Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Advantages of 3D Architectural Rendering Services for Real Estate

3D Architectural Rendering

3D architectural rendering uses specialized system software to take a 2D (flat) picture and create a 3D representation. A wireframe model is created and then texture, colors, lighting, shading, and materials are added to make the picture look more realistic. Outside of entertainment, many numbers of business, industries are also using 3D rendering and animation, and you will find it used in design/architecture, gaming, marketing/advertising, interior design, and real estate and construction.

Advantages of 3D architectural rendering services

·        3D rendering is attractive to customers
·        It creates exact presentations and drawings
·        It gives the ability to troubleshoot early on
·        It edits the design in real-time
·        3D architectural rendering is cost-effective
·        It enhances the marketing experience            
·        Creates virtual reality and simulation opportunities
·        Highlight the real estate property’s best feature

3D rendering services and designs for your real estate business

Rendering is a final state of creating a picture and animation for audience view, our software’s and dedicated 3D architectural rendering programs have different methods of automating the rendering process. 3D architectural rendering is an intensive process and it may take hours to complete in some cases, depending on the complexity, size, and resolution of the picture being created. Our professional 3D experts can perform a variety of 3D architectural rendering techniques include
·        Ray tracing
·        HDR rendering
·        Z-buffer triangle rasterization
·        Scanline rendering
·        Radiosity
·        Path-tracing and more

Ray tracing

Ray tracing is an intensive process that has traditionally been used for non-real time 3D rendering, and it creates stunning photo-realistic imagery for applications like feature advertising and films.

HDR rendering

HDR rendering helps us to see fine details on a variety of light conditions and it uses tone mapping and other techniques to display a high dynamic range of vision.

Z-buffer triangle rasterization

It is one of the most common and best developed 3D renderings techniques using today and it is used to help the system determine whether an object will be visible on-screen or out of view.

Scanline rendering

It is an advanced 3D rendering technique and speeds up processing, and it maintains the active polygon spans from one scanline rendering to the next.

Radiosity rendering

Radiosity is a 3D rendering method that works well on surfaces that reflect the light diffusely and radiosity rendering can add realism by providing soft shadows, natural light, and subtle effects of color.

Path tracing

Path tracing and rendering is an enhanced ray tracing process that creates the depth of field, shadows, ambient occlusion, motion blur, caustics, light scattering, indirect lighting, and other effects.

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